Monday, March 28, 2011

PR is all about relationships.

 The following three pointers will help you to cultivate relationships meaningful to your brand and provide guidance on how to effectively use them to garner publicity.

 #1. Do your research. It's important to know the publications your audience reads and the journalists whose opinion they respect. Understand their writing style, and why they cover what they do. This will help you in crafting a compelling pitch. DO NOT send the same pitch to everyone you reach out to, this will essentially blacklist you. Journalists want to know that you have something to offer their unique audience as their reputation is on the line with every article they write.

#2: Network. Get out and meet the influencers and major players in your community. You should attend every event that you possibly can and use that time to socialize what you’re working on. Not only does this build your confidence and comfort in being able to articulate your thoughts, but it helps to generate an organic interest in your brand. It is also important to follow up and connect with these newfound contacts on the appropriate online platforms such as LinkedIn. Upon connecting you may just realize that your new contact can introduce you to someone who can be helpful in garnering press.

#3: Know your talking points. Understand what makes your brand unique and develop succinct ways to communicate that. Use your networking events to practice different ways of presenting the same ideas and determine what resonates best. When the time comes to speak with a journalist, you’ll know your material inside and out. You’ll also know how to communicate key attributes the journalist may not specifically ask you about. Decide what your brand means, which is not the job you have. 

Article author: Alleigh Marre works with healthcare and science clients at Waggener Edstrom Worldwide. She is an expert on PR and digital strategy. She blogs regularly at and you can follower her on Twitter @alleighmarre. 

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